In 2014, to address the possibility of anaphylactic symptoms in school, New York authorized school districts, BOCES, and other schools in New York State to maintain quantities of medication, in the form of epinephrine auto-injectors (“epi-pens”), on-site in its school buildings for use during an emergency, even if the individual suffering from the allergic reaction had no previous history of severe allergic reaction.
Effective January 1, 2024, early mail voting is an option for qualified voters for a school district in connection with an election or referendum. The rules and procedures will look and feel very familiar to District Clerks, as they are modeled on what is required for absentee voting.
In 2020, New York State amended the Election Law to require School Boards to adopt a policy to promote the voter registration and pre-registration of students 16 years and older. In response to the continuing low rate of voter registration and participation by our young people, the law was recently amended again.
There has been a long-standing requirement in New York State for all employers to provide notice to employees separating from employment of their right to file for unemployment benefits. On September 14, 2023, Governor Hochul signed into law Chapter 366 of the Laws of 2023, which amended Section 590 of the New York State Labor Law effective November 13, 2023. Section 590 of the New York State Labor Law governs employees’ rights to apply for unemployment benefits and Section 590 applies to school districts.
Education, labor relations, and employment law firm Ferrara Fiorenza PC is pleased to announce David E. Tinker, Charles “Chris” Spagnoli, and Cameron B. Daniels as its newest partners in the firm, effective January 1, 2024.
In recent months, New York school districts have been inundated with Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL”) requests.
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