The New York State Education Department (SED) issued updated guidelines in August regarding the responsibilities of school districts relating to student vaccinations.
Governor Hochul recently signed into law legislation (A. 7155/S. 5494) that will provide that any employee who is appointed to a serve in a competitive civil service position on a provisional basis, and subsequently receives a permanent appointment from an eligible list in the same title, shall be credited with their prior provisional service towards the new probationary status.
It is important for school officials to remember Education Law Article 19 and regulations of the Commissioner of Education require health examinations of public-school students.
You’ve hired a qualified Architect and Construction Manager to shepherd the capital project through planning, pre-construction, construction, and closeout, but the ultimate responsibility for successful project delivery is yours. You should take steps to reduce the risks, mitigate their impact, and insure against financial loss when the risk materializes. Once you’ve settled on the scope, schedule, and budget for the project, vigilance for ALL aspects of the project is required, but here are selected areas of focus which will help reduce the risks and prevent a problem or issue from turning into a disaster.
Many communities are receiving an increase in the number of undocumented persons, including school age children. Some children are with relatives or are meeting sponsors. Others are unaccompanied. What is the obligation of the local school district? All school age students are eligible to attend public school if they satisfy residency, age, and immunization requirements. Undocumented children and unaccompanied children have that same right. While there are unique challenges to enrolling these children, the challenges can be overcome.
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