NYSED Data Security Audits – How To Be ReadyMar 27th, 2024
by Jennifer E. Mathews

NYSED Data Security Audits – How To Be Ready

The New York State Education Department (“NYSED”) is conducting data security reviews/audits of school districts. What does this mean for your district? NYSED will call on selected districts and review your current data security policies and protocols. Pursuant to a memo NYSED issued on January 16, 2024, these reviews will commence this school year.

Is There a New Definition of Violent Behavior?Mar 27th, 2024
by Katherine Gavett

Is There a New Definition of Violent Behavior?

On the heels of implementing Workplace Violence Prevention policies, the Commissioner recently issued a decision which addresses what constitutes “violent” behavior in a school setting. In this decision, the Commissioner determined that two students pushing one another and subsequently pushing a teacher did not justify a lengthy suspension because the record of the student discipline hearing did not include evidence demonstrating that the students conduct could reasonably be characterized as violent.

New Breakfast Briefing: School Safety RevisitedMar 21st, 2024
by Ferrara Fiorenza PC

New Breakfast Briefing: School Safety Revisited

Join us for this free Breakfast Briefing to discuss what school administrators need to know about the Workplace Violence Prevention Act, the Commissioner’s recent guidance on student restraint, seclusion and “time out,” school safety plan updates, as well as other issues impacting the safety and security of students and staff.

2024 Election Worker TrainingMar 20th, 2024
by Ferrara Fiorenza PC

2024 Election Worker Training

Join the Ferrara Fiorenza team for our 2024 Election Workers Training Session: Election inspectors are responsible for efficiently and effectively managing the school district annual meeting and general election, including the counting of votes after polls close.

Epi-Pens in Schools:  Mandated Information for Teachers Feb 21st, 2024
by Thomas F. Barrett

Epi-Pens in Schools: Mandated Information for Teachers

In 2014, to address the possibility of anaphylactic symptoms in school, New York authorized school districts, BOCES, and other schools in New York State to maintain quantities of medication, in the form of epinephrine auto-injectors (“epi-pens”), on-site in its school buildings for use during an emergency, even if the individual suffering from the allergic reaction had no previous history of severe allergic reaction.

Early Mail Voting: Absentee Voting’s CousinFeb 21st, 2024
by Heather M. Cole

Early Mail Voting: Absentee Voting’s Cousin

Effective January 1, 2024, early mail voting is an option for qualified voters for a school district in connection with an election or referendum. The rules and procedures will look and feel very familiar to District Clerks, as they are modeled on what is required for absentee voting.

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